Easy Innovators

Terms & Conditions

Read Carefully


The client is engaging Easy Innovators agency, as an independent contractor for the specific project of design, development, and/or re-design of a World Wide SEO Website to be installed on the client’s SEO Web space on an SEO Website Host Provider’s computer. The client hereby authorizes Easy Innovators to access this account and authorizes the SEO Website Host Provider to provide Easy Innovators with “write permission” for the client’s SEO Web page directory, CGI-bin directory, and any other directories or programs, which need to be accessed for this project. The client further authorizes Easy Innovators to place a statement as to “SEO Web design and maintenance by Easy Innovators” and provide a hyperlink to the Easy Innovators SEO Website in that statement.


Project definition and estimate, UI prototyping, HTML/JavaScript coding, 2-3 illustrations and/or photo manipulation, minor text editing). SEO Website hosting and Search Engine registration recommendations, communication of project status, and QA testing. SEO Website will have a logical and professional layout. The design will be consistent with existing marketing materials (color, typeface, photos, etc.). Site navigation will be simple and intuitive. Cascading style sheets and included pages will be utilized to facilitate site maintenance and updates. Installation of SEO Web pages on the client’s SEO Web site host provider’s server/computer. Minor updates and changes to existing SEO Web pages for two months. (Up to 15 minutes total, subject to the limits outlined below. Additional changes are billed at the hourly rate.)


The client will supply the content of the SEO Web pages. The final payment shall reflect and include all elements completed at the prices attached. Product SEO Web pages, products, or photos added after the site is ready for advertising to the SEO Web search engines will be calculated for actual time spent at the rate of 499.00. In case the client desires additional standard SEO Web pages beyond the original number of pages specified above, the client agrees to pay Easy Innovators 3999.00 a Home Page for the design and development of additional SEO Web pages.


This agreement includes SEO Web page maintenance to regular SEO Web pages (over two months) of one-quarter hour total, including updating links and making minor changes to a sentence or paragraph. If the client or an agent other than Easy Innovators attempts to update the client’s pages, time to repair SEO Web pages will be assessed at the hourly rate, and is not included as part of the updating time. The two-month maintenance period commences upon the date the client signs this contract. Changes requested by the client beyond those limits will be billed at the rate of 566. This rate shall also govern additional work authorized beyond the maximums specified above for such services as marketing consulting, SEO Web page design, editing, modifying, Flash animation, photo, and graphics services.


Please send us your final text. Time required to make substantive changes to the client-submitted text after the SEO Web pages have been constructed will be additional, billed at the hourly rate.


The client understands that any SEO Website Host Service Provider (Host) services require a separate contract with the Host of the client’s choice. The client agrees to select a Host, which allows Easy Innovators full access to the SEO Web site and/or a CGI-bin directory via FTP and telnet. The client further understands that the Host must be able to provide MS FrontPage extensions for the client’s SEO Website to be uploaded and function properly.


Easy Innovators and the client must work together to complete the SEO Website promptly. We agree to work expeditiously to complete the SEO Website no later than 6 weeks after contract acceptance. To avoid additional fees the client must supply Easy Innovators the complete text and graphics content for the SEO Website within 7 days.


Fees to Easy Innovators are due and payable on the following schedule: 1/2 upon signing this contract, and 1/2 due upon “delivery” (hand-off or uploading of the site to SEO Web Host server). If the total amount of this contract is less than 500, the total amount shall be paid upon signing this contract. In case the client has not secured SEO Web space on an SEO Website Host Service Provider computer by the time the SEO Web pages are completed, the SEO Web pages may be delivered to the client on a zip disk. All payments will be made in US funds. If the client does not supply Easy Innovators complete text and graphics content for all SEO Web pages contracted for within 60 days of the date this contract was signed, the entire amount of the contract becomes due and payable.


Easy Innovators reserves the right to assign subcontractors to this project to ensure the right fit for the job as well as on-time completion.


The client represents Easy Innovators and unconditionally guarantees that any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork furnished to Easy Innovators for inclusion in SEO Web pages are owned by the client, or that the client has permission from the rightful owner to use each of these elements, and will hold harmless, protect, and defend Easy Innovators and its subcontractors from any claim or suit arising from the use of such elements furnished by the client.


From time to time governments enact laws and levy taxes and tariffs affecting Internet electronic commerce. The client agrees that the client is solely responsible for complying with such laws, taxes, and tariffs, and will hold harmless, protect, and defend Easy Innovators and its subcontractors from any claim, suit, penalty, tax, or tariff arising from the client’s exercise of Internet electronic commerce.


Copyright to the finished assembled work of SEO Web pages produced by Easy Innovators is owned by Easy Innovators. Upon final payment of this contract, the client is assigned rights to use as an SEO Website the design, graphics, and text contained in the finished assembled SEO Website. Rights to photos, graphics, source code, work-up files, and computer programs are specifically not transferred to the client, and remain the property of their respective owners. Easy Innovators retains the right to display graphics and other SEO Web design elements as examples of their work in their respective portfolios.


Payments must be made promptly. Delinquent bills will be assessed a 1299 charge if payment is not received within 30 days of the due date. If an amount remains delinquent 45 days after its due date, an additional 5% penalty will be added for each month of delinquency. Easy Innovators reserves the right to remove SEO Web pages from viewing on the Internet until final payment is made. In case collection proves necessary, the client agrees to pay all fees incurred by that process.


The agreement contained in this “SEO Web Page Design and Maintenance Agreement” constitutes the sole agreement between Easy Innovators and the client regarding this SEO Website. Any additional work not specified in this contract must be authorized by a written change order. All prices specified in this contract will be honored for three (3) months after both parties sign this contract. Continued services after that time will require a new agreement.


This agreement begins with an initial payment of 1/2 of the final project cost. If the client halts work and applies for a refund within 30 days, to Easy Innovators SEO Web Design, and deducted from the initial payment, the balance of which shall be returned to the client. If, at the time of the refund request, work has been completed beyond the amount covered by the initial payment, the client shall be liable to pay for all work completed at the hourly rate stated above. No portion of this initial payment will be refunded unless a written application is made within 30 days of signing this contract.


If you require further information or have any comments or questions about this website or any aspect of our services please contact our Marketing Communications Team:

Ganga Galaxy, teachers colony, dimna road, mango,

Jamshedpur, Jharkhand


Email: support@easyinnovators.com
Phone: 9108375106

If you wish to contact one of our Regional Offices please use the contact information contained in the About Us – Contact Us section of the website.

Easy Innovators © 2023. All Rights Reserved.

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